just 40minutes after leavin liverpool i was in dublin. the dirty old town itself.
made my way to trinity college to meet up with guido, then headed bak to his gaff. not a bad little gaf on the camden street, one of the main streets in dublin. we sat on their roof top and had few beer with marky, phillie, kinta and the one and only weeman. sun was out and it was a good start to dublin.
next day guido took me around dublin, through temple bar, along the liffey, past christ church and the post office with bullet holes. then ended the day by hitting some pub on camden street.
met up with kimbo (a girl i met in IOS in 06) on the wednesday and we hit up the guiness factory. it was pretty interesting with the brewing process and history with loads of reading and no tour guides. up on the top level is the gravity bar, which has 340degree not 360 views of dublin. it was a fab day with heaps of walkin, its the best way to see any city, just keep walkin. that night kimbo, laura came out with me guido and weeman.
thursday was a relaxing day, with more drinks in the afternoon. we headed to kintas pub then markys bar which is cocktail bar. he made the menu so the names of cocktails are his mates. e.g. the weeman, a guido highball. we ventured on the south side of the liffey and temple bar and ended at phillies pub.
friday we jumped on the luas to tio's house. it was the kiwi's bday so he chucked on a bbq. frank gallagher was with us, any one who has seen the show shameless, this guy is frank gallagher.
saturday was awesome! sun was out so we had a rooftop bbq. then we all headed to mallahide castle to see radiohead. it was an awesome day, walkin up to mallahide castle with sun shining was the best settin to for music i have seen. it was a magic day/night.
sunday we all went to johnnie's which is the highest pub in ireland. it had trad (traditional irish music) and good character.
dublin is weird, there is nothing much to see. there is no big sights, if you ask the locals wat should i see? they direct to different pubs. its more of a social country and wen i go back in august to see muse i will head to different countys. overall dublin and irish people in general are so welcoming and social which suits me pretty well.