Monday, June 2, 2008


i arrived to the merseyside on friday arvo with roger "chimpmits" mccozzy waitin for me in a porsche 4x4/batted old rover. headed bak to his new gaff via anfield to drop my bags off, then straight to the battle cruiser for wife beater or 3. ended up jumpin on the train to town to catch up with stevieG for his birthday. unfortunately SG had to head off to Trinidad for a kick, so we were left in jamie carraghers bar knockin bak a few in honour of our stevie. try the pepe pasta!

with lots of larfs along the way we ended up in concert square. it was a boss night, meeting loads of quality scouses until chimpmits decided enough was enough at a ripe time of 10.30 as we headed off home. the nullarbor's and umbrella ella ella ella's were a big hit.

saturday was a glorious day and we headed down to south road for a bevie n bet. i lost a few quid, whilst roger poured out half a beer in the worlds smallest beer garden. with the sun in the sky we went to jonesy's for bbq. rogers cousins karl n jack came west from hallifax to join in. baz n steph, mccozzy's good scouse mates, made an appearence aswell. it was a good day, with good people and we made tracks in the arvo to the bug. it was at this time roger informed me he would not be heading out. obviously this left me feeling shocked and dismayed. me and karl soldiered on into varsity (formally known as the barracuda bar) and then into concert square for a purely belter night out. ended up home in the early hours with a plant as a gift for sleeping beauty.

sunday was not as glorious, with constant rain and no sun to be seen. wat a difference a day makes. we ventured to albert docks for look about and jumped on the duck bus (its a tour bus that takes ya round the city and then drives into the water and turns into a boat). we saw all the sights of liverpool and now hav been officially baptised by the water of the mersey.

that evenin we made our way down matthew street to the cavern club. its an amazing venue that you hav to see to understand it. an underground music club where the beatles made famous as it was where they started out. bands like the rolling stones, sex pitsols, the who etc also played there in their heyday. not suprisingly a beatles cover band were playin. after takin in the beauty of the cavern club we met up with baz n steph for a lager n food. another good day and night that ended with singalongs at rogers gaff and yes we did sing you'll never walk along.

today we are heading off to liverpool one, liverpool's massive open air shopping centre to see lfc's biggest merch shop that has just opened. doin a wiliams tunnel tour later on, its where they kept all their slave years ago, which turned into a black market area of liverpool where tunnels go in every direction for miles under liverpool. off to manchester tonight to see foo fighters. they are playin at city of manchester stadium, man citys home ground. should be another sound day/night.

well thats liverpool covered for now. off to dublin tomorro for a week.

stay classy australia!

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