Tuesday, July 1, 2008


the country of stars n stripes is next on my itenary. first stop LA.
the city of angels!

i had accomadation sussed out in santa monica, which in on the west coast. first day was just relaxin after the 11hour flight from the UK. the next day i went on a mammoth walk through santa monica and venice beach, 2 nice beaches with the sun shining.

the second night john girvan a.k.a girv came up fron san diego for a bevie. we just stayed local but it was a funny night taking advantage of naive americans. they all believed i was an animal psychologist over in america to check up on all the kangaroos well being. whether they had enough space, correct diet etc. everyone believed me. girv was over for work to as a dolphin scientoligist. yep, they believed him too.

on thursday day we jumped in girvs convertable and cruised from LA to his gaff in San diego. along the drive we visited venice beach, beverly hills, hollywood, san clamente, oc and malibu. we ended at a local bar to watch the lakers v boston game on tv. they love their basketball!

i found out that girv knows everything about everything which makes him the best tour guide ever. we stayed around san diego friday, with girv explaining the set up. we saw pacific beach-PB, mission beach-MB, ocean beach-OB and mission bay. girv lives at PB.

saturday we headed to torrey pines to watch the golf US open. it was awesome. we set ourselfs at hole 13 and watched a heap of players come through. i had a life sporting memory as tiger miss hit of the tee and the ball landed metres away. being only 5m away on his recovery. also wen i went to the toilet on hole 14, as i came out sonny garcia was waiting to use my cubicle. it was belter of a day that i wont forget to soon.

sunday we went downtown san diego which is known as the gaslamp district. we checked out the padres ground, decent stadium. ended bak in PB to watch game 5 of the laker v boston series. wanted to go the game but the cheapest tickets was $600!

monday we scored tickets to the US open playoff between woods and mediate. another boss day, unfortunately rocco didnt get up, tiger is just a freak. after the golf we went to a batting cage and had a hit at driving range.

not planning on headed to america untill last minute, i was suprised with the seppo's friendliness. they love an aussie! i had a good time in cali especially san diego. thanks tour guide girv.

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